Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Anna's NICU story

Two months ago today Miss Anna Kathryn Tripoli came into our lives. She has been an amazing blessing, but gave us a little scare at the start! At birth Anna had low blood sugar and spent 24 hours in the NICU at St. Luke's Hospital in Allentown. Having a newborn admitted to the NICU was terrifying. Although the doctors and nurses reassured us that low blood sugar is not all that uncommon, Matt and I were on edge. Every three hours we went to the NICU, scrubbed up, and I'd nurse our baby girl and then supplement with formula. The nurses were just amazing. They took such wonderful care of Anna and made Matt and I feel as comfortable as possible. Every three hours they checked Anna's glucose level. If her levels remained under 60, they would reduce the amount of glucose in her IV fluids. If they were above 60, she would stay at the same level for the next three hours. It was really a wait and see game. My worst fear was being discharged without Anna. Suddenly at 7:00 p.m. on March 18th there was a knock at my hospital room door. The nurse wheeled in Anna's isolette. Luckily after 24 hours her levels had been low enough to admit her back to the regular nursery. Having her in our room during our second night in the hospital was wonderful. I'd taken that for granted when Alex was born. We were discharged together on March 19th and spent our first week together as a family of four.

Arriving home from the hospital. Having that
"AH! We have TWO kids" moment.

Newborn Anna

Anna at 1 month: 4/17/11

Anna at 2 months 5/17/11
My how she has changed!

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