Monday, June 29, 2009

Busy month!

Things have been pretty crazy around the Tripoli household. We closed on our new house at the beginning of June and are (finally) getting settled in. The move went very smoothly until I sprained my ankle stepping down from the fireplace hearth (I'm such a klutz!). I am finally recovered from my injury, but was moving slowly for a few weeks! Last week I began teaching mommy and baby swimming lessons at the Community Center. It is so much fun! Alex is my "helper" and we get to play with other babies in the water every day! He loves swimming! He splashes in the water and kicks his little legs like he's been swimming all of his little life! He's a natural! Of course, Daddy wants him to be a wrestler and Grandpop wants him to be a baseball player. I still hold out hope that he'll take up mommy's favorite sport!

This month has also been a big one for milestones! Alex hit 7 months and simply decided he wanted to start GOING! He started crawling at 7 months and 1 week. The next day he started pulling up on furniture and now he is cruising! Slow down little boy! You are growing up too fast!

**I will add pictures of our new house and Alex crawling ASAP! Our home office is not quite organized yet and I can't find the USB cord for the camera.