Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Green Eggs and Ham

Yesterday morning Alex asked me to "cuddle". Basically, this means he wants to lay on our bed and watch a show. He knows his mommy will fall for the "cuddle" line every time, so its a pretty easy way to get me to let him watch TV.

Yesterday morning instead of turning on the TV I brought out our new copy of Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. We read the story and then Alex said, "I want to eat green eggs!"

We went down to the kitchen and scrambled some green eggs. Alex added the food coloring himself (a little on the heavy side) and enjoyed them quite a bit!

We decided to leave the "green" out of our ham!

Posing with a cheek-full of egg

Alex told me, "I like them Sam I am!"


On Sunday Alex and Pa built a birdhouse together: